August 2022 Message

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5

Just as Jesus says in our text today, stay close to Him!  Invite Him into your morning each day and remain in Him throughout the day. Jesus desires to walk with us all day long, that His light may shine from us and produce much fruit. How blessed are we to have a God who created everything in our world, and yet wants to reside in us and bless our lives? Praise be to God!

We all witnessed an amazing Vacation Bible School that produced much fruit for the Kingdom.  Zoomarang VBS had each of our children, numbering 25 registered kids, learning about Jesus and how special they are to God. Our thanks to Central Christian Church in Wichita who shared their decorations with us after completing Zoomarang at their church. Our VBS Sunday had 80 souls in worship that day and we all enjoyed the fellowship and meal together at the end. 

Many thanks to Dinah and over 20 volunteers that stepped up to do an amazing job all week that inspired our kids to follow our risen Savior.  

We finished the month with our Backpack Giveaway. “Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.”  You might think that everyone was tired from VBS but the opposite was true. Angie and Peggy Chadd spent all month organizing and purchasing over $9,000 in supplies to fill 275 backpacks for our Haysville kids. And on July 29th, over 20 volunteers came to help fill all those backpacks in an assembly line, that has to make Jesus smile. On the morning of July 30, moms and dads and their kids lined up all the way across our parking lot to get their supplies. What a joy it is to see these little ones picking out the color of backpack that was just right for them. It warms our hearts to actually see and be a part of something so significant in our community that is truly making a difference. Many thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers that stepped up to make this a successful day.

As we catch our breath, it’s time for AWANA training and to restart our AWANA Club that was going strong when it ended last May. As we begin this ministry for our second year, please consider being a volunteer as we continue to grow this amazing effort.  

Finally, I invite you to continue to pray for this ministry here at First Christian Church in Haysville. Let us build His kingdom and finish the year strong!

Your friend in Christ,

Pastor Greg