July 2023 Message


Living a life of gratitude possesses untold powers to transform our everyday lives.  Yes, our top 10 (Those top concerns in our lives today) are looming…seemingly undone…needing some attention and some are immediately begging for our attention.  The idea is to not allow those to dictate your day in terms of how you feel.  That sounds nearly impossible to a faithless person.  But to a Christian, this is our truth and our joy, to learn and make real in our lives every day.

John Henry Jowett

“Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic.”

When gratitude is a vaccine … by focusing on that which is praiseworthy, gratitude inoculates us against the disease of bitterness and resentment.

When gratitude is an antitoxin … by focusing on that which is praiseworthy we counteract the poisonous lie of the Evil One that says trials are proof that God has abandoned us.Gratitude is an antiseptic … by focusing on that which is praiseworthy we sterilize our thoughts of all that would breed the germ of discontent.

Do you see the power?  Look closely…lift your eyes to Him…away from your top 10…trust them into His capable hands and begin praising and thanking God.  Behold, the new day, the sun that shines, the birds that sing, the air I breath and on and on in ceaseless praise.  It will literally transform your life!

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17-22

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

Let’s all live lives of gratitude and give God the glory!

Pastor Greg