December 2023 Message

Jesus was born into a world of darkness.   This darkness has plagued the world in all of history, but the light of Christ is celebrated above all.  This light of Christ transcends all or our difficult circumstances, and give us hope.  To help some of us remember and celebrate this amazing gift of God, we place nativity scenes in outdoor displays to remind us of His great light in a very dark world.  To give you an example of the darkness today I found this article, 

[NBC News: When Baby Jesus disappeared … from a Nativity scene on the lawn of the Wellington, Fla., community center, village officials didn’t follow a star to locate him. A GPS device mounted inside the life-size ceramic figurine led sheriff’s deputies to a nearby apartment, where it was found face down on the carpet. An 18-year-old woman was arrested in the theft. 

Giving up on old-fashioned padlocks and trust, a number of churches, synagogues, governments and ordinary citizens are turning to technology to protect holiday displays from pranks or prejudice.  It’s a sign of the times. Holiday display theft is on the rise, and Baby Jesus is a particularly common target.] 

As we can see, darkness is still alive and causing havoc.  We however, have the light of Christ within us, and it is our task to shine like Jesus throughout the Advent Season and every day of the year.  Even if your baby Jesus in your yard was stolen, it brings about an opportunity for forgiveness and grace, as we pray for the ones who stole it.  The evidence of Christ in us is not found in our yards but rather in our hearts.  

So everywhere you go, even if someone has stolen your baby Jesus, remember; 

For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made the light shine in our hearts so we would know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:6

Pastor Greg